Saturday, May 25, 2013

Relaxer Update - 16th May 2013

Relaxer Update

decided to relax at 11 weeks post. Mainly because I couldn't deal with the two textures anymore and I was bored at home so just did it. This is my second time self-relaxing so I'm not really a 'Pro' at it yet. This time I got everything relaxed .. Lol the only exception is that I half did my front edges again all because of fear of completing burning them out. I really need to get over this fear. It doesn't look terrible tho.

Here's the outcome..

I would now OFFICIALLY consider myself Full APL . Its finally here whew!. God knows how hard I've been  working to get here lol :D. In the second picture you could see how not processedmy edges are lol.

Oh! This is after I had trimmed about 3/4 of an inch about 2 weeks ago. I am just loving my hair right now. You wouldn't believe all the crazy comments I get ranging from " Is that your hair?" "You're weave looks natural" and " That's not your hair right? stop playing"

I just laugh and take em as compliments and motivation that my hair is indeed growing and when I feel its not growing I just have these people to remind me that it is lol D:

BSL here I come!!

Chloe <#


  1. Wow I applaud you for self relaxing, I'm still so scared to try it. At the same time I get irritated when I go to the salon and they do not do what I asked. Your hair looks great tho!

    1. Thank you. That's the reason why I started to relax my own hair. The girl at the salon never handled my hair with care and never did what I asked her to. Things like using a fine teeth comb to detangler my hair and not coating my previously relaxed hair to avoid over processing. These i couldn't take anymore.

      Yes it would be scary at first. Me, I'm still scared as a result of my still not processing my edges. I think as you overcome it and try it..the morenyounpractice you would get use to it. Certainly let me know if you decide to try it and give up relaxers. Plus it's cheaper to do it on your own lol :)
